Earning Reward From Allaah (SWA)

Photo Credit: ebja.org

In the Name Of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

It is from the mercy of Allaah (SWA) that  He has legislated many deeds through which people can earn great rewards.
Some acts which Muslims should travail in performing so as to gain enormous reward and keep them closer to their Lord.

 Sincere Repentance for the sake of Allaah:  The prophet (PBUH)said “Allaah will forgive the sins of anybody who repents before the sun rise from the west which is a major sign of the Day of Judgment )” (Muslim.) He PBUH also said: “Allaah accepts the repentance of his slaves until the time of their death (when the soul starts departing).”  (Tirmidhi, 3537)

Performing Umrah during Ramadhan: The prophet PBUH said “Performing Umrah during it (Ramadhan) is like performing Hajj with time.” (Bukhaari , 1782), (Muslim, 1256)

Learning and Teaching the Qur’an: The prophet PBUH said: “The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it to others.” (Bukhaari ,5027)

Glorification to Allaah: The prophet PBUH said  “Shall I not tell you about the best of your deed, the most pure of them to your creator, that which will entitle you to the highest ranaks, which is better for you than donating gold and silver for the sake of Allaah, which is better than fighting your enemies in Jihad where you kill them or they kill you (ie becoming a martyrs)?” The people replied: “Yes”, O Messenger of Allaah. So he said “The mentioning of Allaah.” (Tirmidhi)

Supplicating between Adhaan and Iqamah: The prophet PBUH said:“Supplication between the Adhaan and Iqamah is not rejected.” So people asked: “What should we ask for? He replied: “Ask Allaah for His forgiveness.” (Tirmidhi , 212)

Thanking  Allaah after eating or drinking: The prophet PBUH said “Allaah is pleased with the slave who thanks him after eating or drinking (If Allaah is pleased  with his slave, He forgives his sins).”  (Muslim, 2734)


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