After Difficulty, Comes Ease.

In the name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

For The Believer , struggle is the Prerequisite to Success

Allaahﷻ says in the Holy Qu'ran:

فإن مع العسر يسرا
For indeed , every hardship comes with easy.

As mentioned previously, when understanding [the language] of Al Qu'ran the first observation is how (the order) in which Allaah Aza Wa Jal revealed an Ayah.

We plan our lives the opposite, we prepare for ease and plan for difficulty, when in reality we should be planning for difficulty and preparing for ease.

Remember, Nabiﷺ said
وحفت الجنة بالمكاره
Paradise is surrounded by difficultly

In addition, Allaah says same statement in next Ayah.

Meaning, this pattern will be repeated throughout our lives.
Difficulty then Ease
Difficulty then Ease

The old Urban adage comes to mind:
If it ain't one thing it's another

In times of difficulty you should be hopeful of the Divine Promise that ease will soon follow (In Sha Allaah)

May Allaah ease our affairs.


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