In the name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

Virtue of the month of Muharram.

This is the First month of the Hijri Calendar and one of the Sacred months (1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months)

Do not wrong yourselves in these sacred months, because doing so is a greater sin than at other times. (months)

Allaah singled out four months and made them sacred. He made sins during these months more graveous and righteous deeds in reward greater.

During this period of time, it is a great deal to perform Naafil, Fasting and Azhkar.

The Prophet PBUH was reported to have said, "The best of fast after Ramadan is in the month of Allaah, Muharram" [Muslim 1982]

May Allaah grant us the bounties of this Month and the Blessings of the New Hijri Year. 1440AH


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