Food For Thought

In the name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

The human soul is very complex.
I wake up some days feeling lonely, empty and depressed.
My heart feels like a raging river with no water. It feels like a sailing boat in a windless ocean or the night sky without stars. it is a sad feeling and I feel helpless and hopeless.
But when I remember Allaah and His grace, His endless gifts and countless favors, I realize how ungrateful I am.
when I compare how small my worries are compared to Allaah's enormous and unmeasurable blessings, Life feels different and I am a new man.
Always remember that Allaah has taken care of you before you were born and will take care of you till your final day in this Dunya.
Be grateful and be proud you have Allaah.


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