A Forgotton Sunnah (Wudhu Qablan Nawm)

In the name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

Permorming Wudhu'u before Bed.

This is a recommended Sunnah by the prophet(pbuh).
The prophet(pbuh) was reported to have said: "When you go to bed, do wudhu'u as for prayer" (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 247; Muslim, 2710)

This was further explained by Ibn Hajar(AS): It is Mustahabb for every Muslim who wants to go to bed to renew his wudhu'u, even if he is in a state of wudhu'u. This was also interpreted as to the one who has broken his wudhu'u.
Al- Nawawi Said: If a person is in the state of wudhu'u, that is sufficient for him, and this is because the aim is to go to bed with wudhu'u (Which he already have), lest he die in his sleep, and so that his dreams will be more true, and so that the shaytaan will be less likely to play with his dreams and terrify him.

May Allaah Ease Our Affairs.


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